
By Jamjar

I would prefer it this way round, then I wouldn't have to lean over the drop down door to load and unload. There'd be a lot of mess on the floor though.

I've walked Jasper, had a cup of tea in the bar with the 'womenfolk', tried in vain to get all the dog hairs off the rug and cleaned a window. This afternoon we're going to collect ourselves a few leftover grapes from a Catalan friend's vines and maybe go and see some English friends too.

Steve's made a beef curry, the smell of which has cleared my sinuses, but we'll have that tomorrow when it's rested. Tonight we're having roast chicken, left over from yesterday when I chopped the limbs off to make Arròs amb Pollastre. It's going to look a bit odd in the oven without legs and wings but that shouldn't affect the taste.

While looking for the word "Arròs", so that I could easily get it with an accent, I came across a recipe section on the TV3 website which has lots of Catalan recipes.

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