
By LooseCanon

Drip Trigger #2

I have rebuilt my drip trigger as it was previously on a breadboard circuit board and kept falling to bits. It's now much more substantial and tidy.

I have also modified the controlling software so it generates double drips. This allows drip collisions to occur as shown in this blip. The second drop coming down hits the column created by the first creating a spectacular mushroom effect.

The timing is hyper-critical - a millisecond makes a big difference. I need to make a few more mods to the software to change the relative sizes of the drips as currently they are both the same.

I also need to investigate alternative fluids as water is supposedly the most difficult to use. Its apparently easier with slightly viscous fluids.

Here's a link to my first attempt. A good potential source of blips on dull winter days :-)

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