Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible


An early and quite normal blip for me today.

This is Mr H and his badminton partner Mr T. They're off to a badminton tournament in Luton all day.

The significant thing about this is....they drive themselves there! Wooohooo!

This leaves me free to tidy the garden and go to the dump! Wooohooo!!

We did however throw away the old family tent, which has been mouldering at the bottom of the garden now for a few years. It took some courage to persuade Mrs W that it had to go. Not that she loves the tent or camping....but it marks the end of an era. No more family camping.

We have many happy memories, and there will be different adventures to have, but (deep breath) that period of our lives is over. Onwards and upwards.

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