One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

The Race

On the left, I give you Bridget "Blown Gasket" Sullivan, behind the steering handle of the latest Musketeer VVTI (Varicose Veins Turbo Injection).
On the right, her fiercest opponent, Valerie "Skid Marks" O'Reilly, twice winner of the Dún Laoghaire Streets of Carbon Monoxide (an over 70s time trial urban challenge).
Bridget's biggest mistake was to opt for slicks, while Val knew that the All Weather Dunlop would be better suited for the changeable (euphemism of the century...) Irish weather.

I would like to thank these two charming ladies for a great chat and laugh during my lunch break. They were highly amused that I'd choose to photograph them rather than "babes in bikinis" (their phrasing). I tried to explain to them that the probability of bumping into said bikini-clad babes on George Street was pretty slim and that they would most surely end up being far less craic to photograph than my two new lady friends. I would have loved to capture their smiles and laughter when I asked who was winning the race but sometimes you have to learn to let a moment be a moment, not a photo opportunity.

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