The Moment of Truth

By Maenight

Grace and Pumpkins - More doctors/tests/waiting

I had an appointment with a new doctor today. We talked for an hour about what is going on with me, the symptoms I have and the pain I am experiencing. He said that the largest tumor was the size of a tennis ball but is in an ideal spot on my liver for operating on and explained how the procedure would work. His opinion is that it is a mass of blood vessels that is bleeding inside the liver and growing causing the pain.
There is still a chance of it being cancerous so he sent me to have my tumor markers drawn. I am not sure when I will have those results back.

While I was there, he spoke with a liver surgeon who wants to know exactly what we are looking at and rule out any other type of gastrointestinal cancers such as gallbladder or pancreatic cancer before scheduling surgery to remove the large tumor. They are not immediately concerned about the numerous small tumors within the liver at this time but suspect they are all benign.

Monday, November 11th, I have a surgical procedure where they will go in with a scope to check for those things. I will need to wait on those results as well as tumor markers before knowing what they will plan to do

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