
By middaypyjamas


It was on my way to work this morning that I took this photo. I wasn't sure if I wanted to because I feel like I've had a few sky related shots recently, but what they hey, when the sky looks this lovely you just go with it.

Work was pretty quick and easy, which is always nice, and then I spent the day on my projects. The secret one is coming along, as is my pack I'm painting. I'm painting the characters from my webcomic Midday Pyjamas on to it in the hopes to jazz it up a bit, and make it easier to spot in the airport terminals. Will blip my efforts to you all once it's done.

Our preparations for South America are also well under way as we're really starting to feel it approaching. Less than a month now for me as I leave on the 5th of December, yikes!

Also, last bit of news, I got shortlisted for an interview into the masters course I applied for! Very exciting. It's set for the 27th of November, right before we leave, but at least it's not after! So fingers crossed everyone for that one. Cheers.


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