
By niels

Creature of Stone - White Pocket, Utah, USA

Half October I spent a week in the USA. Main purpose was business (IT conference in Las Vegas). But if you travel all the way to Vegas, why not add some leisure days to the trip?!
Together with my colleague, I spent three days in the wonderful nature of Utah.

We did some homework and very soon it became clear there was one very special piece of nature we just had to visit. It's a small rocky area in the middle of the Utah desert, called White Pocket.
Due to erosion by wind and water the rocks in White Pocket have very special forms and many curved lines. We had a great excursion to this beautiful place.

The picture shows one of those very special rocks which, to me, looks like some kind of creature. Almost as if it was carved by man; but it's a great piece of craftsmanship of nature.

Converted to greyscale using Silver Efex Pro 2

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