Day 4 - Tokyo

A slightly less mad day today. Coffee and cake for breakfast, and made our plans for a less hectic day. Metro up to central Tokyo (but no exercising at the same time - the signs make that clear!), with a walk around the Imperial Palace Gardens and a glimpse of the Palace itself.

Stopped by the Tokyo International Forum (picture in the Blipfolio), which is a huge soaring building that looks like a spaceship that has just landed. A Malt Whiskey exhibition is next up, which might explain the two Scottish gentlemen in kilts in the hotel lift last night!

Lunch in a tiny 'restaurant' (in the loosest sense) under a railway arch - a charcoal grill and some plastic seats, and two staff - one serving cold beer and food, the other cooking chicken, pork and veg skewers (we declined the intestines option). Tasty and cheap though. Slow walk back through Ginza, stopping in a fantastic electronics shop for an ogle and the Sony Centre to see their upcoming gadgets, all of which you could play with (but "no photo with own camera").

Doughnuts and coffee bought to bring back to the hotel room, for a quick rest before venturing out for our last night here. Blips might be thin on the ground the next few days - we're taking the Bullet Train tomorrow to Nagoya and then changing trains to go up to Takayama in the mountains for a few days. Back to civilisation in Kyoto on Saturday when they might resume. But then you never know where wi-fi might be!

PS. Thanks for the comments yesterday!

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