
Patio doors open to the elements today despite the wind and rain! Multitasking!! Office work spread over the dining table with copious amounts of paperwork pending. Doors shut to the rest of the house, rug round my knees, woolly socks donned but still shivering with tripod and camera set up ready just in case.

Trying to shoot birds through double glazing in dim light can, I feel, only be partially successful especially when the glass is covered in raindrops. I tried sticking my head out giving them a quick wipe in the pertinent parts but....nothing else for it..... had to open the doors, sit down to work and see what rocked up! The temperature dropped like a stone; tea, coffee and hot soup did not do the trick for toe warming!! This also meant the birds could hear me and see me better too which was a pain, so when this great spotted woodpecker flew onto the feeder I just had to count my blessings but breathing was hardly an option!!!! Oh sooo slowly inching behind the lens I managed to take a few shots but he looked around - knowing - he could almost feel me there ..... going behind the feeder and peeking out towards the open doors.

He is quite a large bird, impressive in his colouring which at the moment seems more vivid than usual. So lovely to watch. Hanging on in the pouring rain and wheedling the nuts out of the feeder looking a tad damp, he was, like me, multitasking.

I would ask you to spare a thought for the photographer here who is still frozen to the bone! :)) Blipping is taking it's toll!!!

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