
By CreativeCarol

Fun Trip to the Grocery Store

Moira is a blast to take to the Grocery Store. While in the fruit and vegetable department, she names all the fruits and tells me what color they are. Then when I picked out a bunch of Broccoli, she tilted her head back, raised both arms and said "I love Broccoli!". (I wish I had that photo!)

As we headed toward the seafood section, we of course had to stop and look at the live Lobsters in the tank. She cannot quite pronounce the word Lobster yet. So I very slowly said Lobster several times and she tried to repeat it. While I was doing this, behind me came a booming male voice saying "Lobster!" A sweet older gentlemen was joining me in teaching Moira how to say Lobster. We saw him several more times during our shopping trip and each time he would say in his booming voice "Lobster!". I was quite amused by the whole experience and also grateful that Moira was not frightened by him. She just smiled and said Lobster!

Thank goodness it is Friday. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

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