today's colour challenge is turquoise.

I took myself out to the Hororata Highland games today. Hororata is a small farming town to the West of Christchurch. It was all things Scottish and some Scotch(to be sampled!!) There were some very big boys competing to toss the caber the furthest!!!!The caber toss is a traditional Scottish athletic event in which competitors toss a large wooden pole called a "caber" . In Scotland the caber is usually made from a Larch tree and is typically 19 feet 6 inches (5.94 m) tall and weighs 175 pounds (79 kg).
The person tossing the caber is called a "tosser" or a "thrower".
It could have been better weatherwise- it drizzled.I found it hard to keep camera dry so gave up and came home. I did like this little cutie sporting a tartan hat, and she did have "turquoise" gumboots !!!
for another couple of photo check this out-todays tossers!!!!!!

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