T-Rex Planet Tour Cancer Awareness Project - day 7

King of the castle... at night!

This would be the last of this series for me, because I'm supposed to have T-Rex only for one week; however, the post office is closed tomorrow so I won't be able to send it to its next destination till Monday. Therefore, I will post an extra one tomorrow!

Not much time for photos this morning because I was late for work (as usual). This one didn't come out as expected, but it was a bit difficult at night. I had to use the flash in the end, so you could see the dinosaur!

T-Rex was trying to spread the message from the highest point, so the castle seemed a good idea! If you want to know what this is all about you can read it on my first blip of the series. All these images are dedicated to all of those who are or have been affected directly or indirectly by cancer and its consequences, and specially to my late grandmother and auntie, two truly amazing and strong women who, unfortunately, lost their fight against this terrible illness a while ago..

Anyway... A bit of a crazy and busy day at work, being a Saturday, but It's over now and I can relax. Back to work tomorrow.. :(

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments! I hope you're all having a good weekend! :)

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