
By JanBee

Geezers wiv Wheezers

Alone together,
Sentinels of the dark door,
Pause for a moment.

Went on a brilliant London Photographers' School workshop at Borough Market with 55daisies and Miranda1008. The object was to learn a bit about photographing in low light..... and the light was indeed low as it was pissing chucking it down.

No matter there was plenty of colour and activity in the market. I set myself a mini challenge to try and do some "street" type photography as I am always too shy/scared/pre-occupied to do this, and also I live in the countryside so don't get much opportunity.

You can see the rest of my efforts here

I spotted these two guys standing outside the pub smoking and was struck by the way they completely ignored each other and stood there staring moodily at the hustle and bustle going on outside, before disappearing into the dark depths of the pub again. I didn't have to go in to know what it would have smelt like inside..... there's a beery grittiness about these sort of london pubs ... of course I could be wrong and maybe it's very swanky, but that would be a shame - some things just shouldn't be gentrified.

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