Reikes small life...

By Reike

The snow is coming closer! / Decisions

We might wake up to our town being whiter than usual...

Today we went to an exhibition about "decisions", that gives a take-with-you message at the end based on the decisions you took in the exhibition.

My main learnings:

1. With too many choices not only decisions are harder, it is also more likely that you will be unhappy with your choice.
You will think you could always have done better and start to be unhappy, based on your "freedom of choice".

2. The rich industry nations have rising numbers of people suffering depression, burn-outs, getting addicted to drugs and alcohol, a much higher percentage than countries that are much less wealthy.
Also, the more "free" young people feel, the higher is the suicide rate in youth (I found that quite remarkable!)

3. Trying to always make the best decision and to fulfill what society expects from you, people are prone to lose themselves. Try to get rid of putting additional schedules on yourself (recreational stress on top of work stress and family stress), find yourself and think about what you really wanted for your life. Imagine yourself being 80 years old, and think about what you would like to look back on, what would you have wanted (to achieve) in your life?

I really should get a dog!!!

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