Welcome to my world...

By KatJ


Felt like crap today. Have that horrible dry throat which suggests the start of a viral infection. It was also raining so binned off my Saturday run.

Planned instead to go and watch my boy playing rugby for the school. Hubby went on ahead but when Becca and I came to leave the neighbours had some friends round who were blocking my car in. This I don't have a problem with per se but I was somewhat annoyed when no one had answered their door after 10 minutes of knocking and ringing the bell. By then it was too late to go to the match so we abandoned the idea and went back inside. Was disappointing as they won convincingly and Ollie was named man of the match.

Tried to do a bit more work on my appraisal this afternoon and also cooked a couple of mean chillies for dinner :-)

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