Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


so baby McD had her treatment at the dentist today. to be honest i don't know if her or her mum looked the worse for wear. that's not to say i wasn't worried but at least one parent should hold it together. this shot was taken as baby McD was lying in the recovery room getting over the sedation. i must admit my eyes didn't wander far from the heart and oxygen monitor that this sensor was attached to.
anyway she is almost back to her normal cheeky self, although she is still waffling a load of tosh now and again. it was quite amusing watching her as the first lot of sedative kicked in..........it appears that a stoned 5 year old is highly entertaining (she is anyway but that just gave things an extra edge). still it's not somethng that i want her to have to endure again.
on the plus side all the dental work was done in the one sitting and as i said a couple of days ago after her initial consultation the staff there really are fantastic and make sure that all the chilren that go in are put at ease. nthing is rushed as they realise that al kids are different and let them move along at their own pace.
now got to go as it's time for baby McD to go to bed...actually she should have been in bed an hour ago but since she has spent most of today sleeping she has been allowed tostay up a bit longer.
can't wait to go back to work tomorrow for some everyday stress.

take it easy folks.....................

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