A day in the life

By neacail


Champigny sur marne - Musselburgh's twin city

After yesterdays dismal start I was in determined mood to win my money back. We got up around lunch time had a petit dejeuner in a local cafe and then headed down for the afternoon games. I was at a pretty chilled out table and enjoying the game when the big hand arrived.
I'm on the button with pocket Aces, I see the bb reaching for his chips so I opt to limp, sb calls and right enough the big blind (lets call him Pierre) raises to 20. I pause for dramatic effect before announcing soixante!. Pierre then raises all in (tapee!) for a 100 odd which I obviously call. Pierre turns over pocket Kings and looks quite happy till he sees my Aces. He jumps out of the seat and shouts NON! Trappez trappez!
He's hopping up and down and ranting in French, obviously going on about my play to anyone who will listen. I'm pretty much working out how much I've won, when the flop gets dealt, first two cards out King and King, guy flops quads I'm blown out again. I,ve got to go for a long walk, I'm absolutely fizzing.
I get another rebuy and try to focus, pots raised I call with AQ, flop comes out QQ blank, instead of securing the pot I don't bet enough and guy catches flush on the river. Bad play by me and I get what I deserve, neul euros.
This is starting to turn into a total disaster, I'm down to a bit of loose change and in serious danger of making my biggest ever loss by a mile.
I don't have any choice but to play super tight and super agressive, one move only ALL IN!
I can't remember that much about the actual hands but by about 6 pm I'd clawed all the money back I'd lost over the last 2 days and 25 euros on top.
Christ what a relief!
Cic is up a few euros too. So we're happy and head out into town for a few drinks with some friends. Cocktails are 9 euros a go, but who cares, we're about to start winning big!
Headed back around 2am and played the rest of the day out, fresh croissants at 5, cards till 6 perfect, at the end of the night/morning I'm still up but Cic took a bit of a whipping tonight and is now down over all. Not good.

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