Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Well, like any tuesday I get off I'm obviously lying in bed all day watching Downton and drinking beef tea. Like mentioned last time, I'm not very well so this tuesday off couldn't of come soon enough. I really needed a lazy day to recuperate.

This is funny actually, when I first vowed myself to photography I thought 'I will only ever take pictures of eyes!' and in fairness, looking back, I did that exact thing. But as I discovered if you zoom out there's in fact a whole face to encounter. This blossomed into my love of portrait photography. The way people are, move and are made is just fascinating to me. Every freckle can tell a story.

This week I'm going on trips with college which should be interesting, looking at lots of ceramic work, whilst actually having a go on the wheel on friday! I'm going to play unchained melody whether they like it or not.

Happy Blipping.

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