
By DonnaWanna

A Little Mystery

I had to go to Post Office late this afternoon. As I was driving down there I passed a big old gum tree that used to be one of Jakes favourite spots to stop and sniff around. Funnily enough there were 5 people standing around the tree and they all had cameras!! I thought to myself I must have a look whats going on there!!!

I had to get to the PO before it closed and then I came out and can you believe it I forgot to go and have a look!

Remembered when I got home so I turned around and went back, couldn't resist :)

The other people were gone by the time I got back there but there were many of these Shield Bugs (also known to me as Stink Bugs;) all over the tree. Also there were many large unbroken cocoons and I'm not too sure if the Shield Bugs came out of them or whether there was something else about to hatch!

I didn't stay long, too many of the shield bugs racing around and the thought of new hatchlings of some kind have me a slight case of the heeby jeebies!!

Edit: I have just realised this was my 365th blip wooohooooo I messed up and thought it was tomorrow duh!!! :)))

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