0804 to Leeds


Well, what a day it has been!

I went out during my lunch break to photograph some more people when I got a text from a fellow blipper saying he was in town. As he also takes street portraits, I dashed off to meet up with him. It's always nice to interact and play off each others techniques I find.

We walked round the market area of the city where MrJohn is most comfortable, and I am not at ease at all I must admit. The choice of characters and people simply sways me but I hope to change that in the future. Whether this will happen or not we will see.

Anyway, we ventured out into a territory I was more familiar with and within minutes I spotted Drew here. Isn't his hair awesome?! :)

Drew is a student at the local University, studying Journalism.

After work, I had planned to visit the 'Portrait Salon' exhibition at the excellent WhiteClothGallery venue. However, before that MrJohn was keen to capture a Satellite Flare which was to take place at 18:02 in that area (yes, it’s THAT precise).

If, like me before today, you don’t know what a satellite flare is, here is a brief description from Wiki: "phenomenon caused by the reflective surfaces on satellites reflecting sunlight directly onto the Earth below and appearing as a brief, bright flare”.

So we found a nice, dark spot near the canal and waited for 18:02 to come around. Although it was a short event (less than 30s I’d say) it was still a beautiful thing to witness. Who knew that these types of things happened whilst we went around our normal, daily lives?

Back to the exhibition, where we met up with a couple more blippers (Earthdreamery, and SnapshotSam), had a few drinks and enjoyed the portrait slideshow. The ‘Portrait Salon’ is described as an exhibition of works rejected from a juried art show, or as MrJohn put it “the rejects”. He was kidding of course, without exhibitions like these it would be impossible to showcase or see artists’ work that may otherwise go unseen.

At the exhibition there were a lot of student types, from the local colleges/universities I presume, who had an interest in art and/or photography. All of us took it upon ourselves to take pictures/portraits of the interesting people we found there. They didn't know what they had got themselves in for with four blippers in the room, hahaha! :D

All in all, a long and tiring day...but filled with the things I love.

Humans of Leeds

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