Under the Maple Tree (River Nadder)

Just couldn't get my backside in gear today, what with the lovely day of sunshine, so couldn't face travelling on public transport or lug tripods around, again...

So, a couple of miles walk and looked for Autumn pics around the River Nadder, from where I've Blipped before. Lots of trees still down, from the storm but the colours were disappointing. You can see a branch snapped off but still attached in this, on LARGE

The willows seems to have had lost all their leaves already, others are still green, others just a plain brown. It always looks lovely round there, but not special, like I wanted for my Blip today.

This is about as good as it got, balancing the ultrawide Nikkor 10-24mm at its widest with the slightly hazy sun behind the maple leaves, getting the exposure right and balanced with the background, keeping half an eye on the swans and stopping down enough to get both near (about 9 inches) and distance reasonably sharp. And, oh, level, as well, water and rivers always need to be level...

Anyways, I quite like the end result, quite a lot of selective burning in and lightening and such, to try and get a pleasing balance. All in all, quite a change from what I initially had in mind but a fair result.

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