
After EcoDad's 365 turned out to be when I was on holiday I attempted to re-book a tea-session a couple of times in return for his treat on our 1004ths. Irritations such as training and work got in the way a couple of times but today the weather and tourist-light conditions were ideal for popping out for a lunchtime cakelet, chat and a pot of (proper, from leaves) tea each. My brownie cakelet-choice turned out to be infested with nuts but it was taken back without question and replaced with a proper brownie containing no nuts, avoided not because of any sort of allergy but merely because they taste disgusting and are the second most effective method of destroying the niceness of a cake, the first being keeping one in a fridge with some beetroot which hasn't been stored in a completely airtight container. The last time I was there I'd just had a coffee but went for the Gunpowder green tea today - very nice and just on the right side of the line of bitter mouth-dessication many green teas tread.

The relaxedy-calmness of the tea-drinking process was mildly reduced by the presence of a tank in Castle Street, complete with people in green camouflage fatigues calmly dressing people's children in helmets and lifting them onto the tank to get their picture taken. Quite unnecessary. Hopefully it won't be there tomorrow when there will be greater numbers of children about.

By the time we returned to the office boss¹ had buggered off for an afternoon of golfing with a few other colleagues making it highly unlikely that any additional last-minute tasks would be introduced to the day with the result that the things I wanted to get finished got finished. I'm out of the office on a course next week and shall hopefully not have to do anything in the few minutes email-checking which should occur in between arriving each morning and running off to catch the taxi taking five of us to the training site.

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