In Hot Pursuit

Thursday was a busy day, so I'm back blipping.

The morning saw out a long languid brunch at the Bleu Duck Cafe at Motukarara. After polishing off a fantastic full breakfast, Alana (our hostess) helped me get my display of photos up on the wall. I now have a corner of the cafe - well, it's actaully one of the eight sides of the octagonal building - put aside for six of my works, three 8x10s and three 6x18s. Here's hoping they can bring me in some pocket money...

The rest of the day was busy tidying up the shed. It's not what I wouldn't call it man cave (lack of power supply in it makes it less than ideal), it's more of a general 'chuck-everything-in-there-that-we-don't-want-inside-the-house' sort of a shed. But at least you can now see the floor and don't get attacked by falling timber/garden chairs/old doors/killer mice (delete as appropriate) every time you enter. Most satisfying.

Anyway, whilst me and Mrs H were being industrious, this little fella was busy chasing flies and looking after the brood above the front door. Man, they're quick - look at the shutter speed required ;-)

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