Dawn, and the former mobile phone mast on top of Inverness College is being dismantled. Hooray!

A few years back, at the time there was a brouha about such masts being located near schools, they stuck one atop the College. Tallest building in the area. No consultation with the Staff or Students. It was just erected up there. No doubt there was some financial benefit to the place, and reception would also be very good for local users of that network (Orange?). But still, the fact the management at that time chose not to mention anything about it, automatically led the conspiracy theorists to gleefully conclude... Well I'm sure you can imagine. Me? I just laughed and shook my head. What are they like... ?

Why is it going? - The College won't be here for very much longer. Work is underway building a new campus, that should (hopefully) open in August 2015. So perhaps this is the start of the disappearance of the College's main building, at the Longman (Longman Road/Industrial Estate).

Of course the bad news is that there will undoubtedly be far too many Blips here, of the Building, before it goes. None as yet of the new place. These days I'm not normally anywhere near that part of town, and haven't seen it, or even the (alleged) "Golden Bridge"...

Was glad to have this Blip spied and bagged just after arriving at work. Too weary to do any wandering today, but thankfully starting to feel better towards the end of the day. Hopefully on the mend now. Yesterday was the pits.

Hope that mast isn't being shifted to the new building...


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