Embracing Technology

Hi everyone!

This has been a very ... interesting day. My Papa (Dad's Dad), has been going on for a while about getting an iPad. Today, he finally decided to buy it! He's 86 years old. Ah well, never too old to embrace technology!

The last couple of days have been really good! Friday was a dress down day at school, and we raised over £800 for The Philippines!!!

I was helping out in the S2 English class (13-14 year olds), as I always do, and the teacher asked me to help out a pupil who's been off for a while. The class is reading a book, and he hadn't started it. He told me he couldn't read, which obviously wasn't true, but he was pretty bad at it (Similar to what you'd expect from a 7 year old), and he was labelled as one of the 'troublemakers'. Anyway, he finished his sentence, and I went to take over from him, and he said:
"No! I want to keep reading!"
Let me tell you, I definitely wasn't expecting that! I felt so inspired and proud! He went on to read an entire page by himself!!! When I told the teacher, she was overjoyed, shook my hand, and called me a 'godsend'! That was an amazing day!!!

And finally, Craig went over to his best friend (And admittedly, a good friend of mine) Declans house, as it his 12th birthday tomorrow (Yes, that's right - I'm friends with a 12 year old!). They went out somewhere today, and Craig's staying over at his house tonight. I hope they have fun!!

Well then, hope you all have a great Sunday!!

Steven :)

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