A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


The day saw a number of jobs including fixing a chair that had become rather wobbly, Having dis- and re-assembled, glued and clamped I thought I may as well paint the bit of garage wall that the metre-long clamps normally live on.

Painting the garage wall is a rather ad hoc process which includes using up some of those 'match pots' of paint left over from decorating experiments on occasional concrete blocks.

Winding the blur and contrast up improves the picture no end.

In the evening we went to a performance/screening of "The Epic of Everest": a mix of restored silent film from the failed attempt to climb Everest in 1924, and live orchestral music from the university Music Society at West Road.

The 1924 expedition was the one that killed Mallory & Irvine; it wasn't until 1953 that Hilary & Norgay actually made the top. Without having thought about it much, it surprised us that the climbing of Everest was so much later than the explorations to the poles.

The performance was excellent, even if the 1920's patronising and melodramatic intertitles felt a bit weird.

Point of record - the music was not the (unenticing) haunting combination of electronic music, found sounds, western and Nepalese instruments and vocals that it seems the BFI has applied (see the link), but a suitable selection of classical movements (which I understood to be the original 'score' for the piece).

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