
By Dotty

Lovember: Betty

My baby girl.

I love that Layla and I decided that day in early November 14 years ago was *the* day to go and find my giving-up-work-and-being-a-proper-wife puppy and that we drove a stupid distance to get her. I love that the father we saw cannot possibly have had anything to do with her conception. I love that every time Betty sees Layla she remembers her - with a passion which never fades.

I love that she has forced me out of the house on days past when I never wanted to see daylight again, and on these days when I am so absorbed in study and happiness that time slips away around me.

I love that she teaches the boys the importance of putting someone else's needs before their own and the joy of loving and being loved unconditionally.

I love that she goes mad for a wine cork or a broccoli stalk and is still obsessed with balls. I love that she still tries to turn the game of fetch around to have me fetch for her... 14 years and she hasn't given up. (Neither have I.)

I love her biscuit dance and that she does handstands when she pees.

I love that she really thinks I don't know that she is curled up behind my knees under my duvet if she keeps her eyes tight shut.

I love that she tolerates Colin grooming her and biting her ears and bombing her in the woods.

I love that she has never grown into her ears.

I love that she tells me when it is bedtime and that I can set my clock to her.

I love that I made a really rubbish 'proper wife' and that Betty is a rubbish 'proper dog' and that we are both much happier being what we are.

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