Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths

And then there were 5 …

Last day of being both mum and dad, and again today the kids were awesome. They both even made their lunches for the first time, very helpful!

But then sadly, we discovered that Sunshine, who had been sick for a little while, had died. Interestingly there wasn’t much (any) emotion with it, just a very pragmatic statement “and then there were 5”. And indeed there were. Death is part of the process …

And then work. Yep, you guessed it, insanely busy. Many many balls being juggled,; a new prospect met, management discussions, HR questions, dead computers, and then real work even …

And finally, out to sailing at 4 with Ada for his after school training at Charteris Bay. Windy conditions and a few capsized. Adam came close, but loved it he said. Sailed like a pro said his coach. I agree.

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