
By middaypyjamas


This handsome man (and I say that quite biasedly) is my twin brother, Jonathan. It's our 27th birthday on Wednesday so perhaps I should have saved his portrait for then but the camera was loving him so what was I to do?

I didn't have to work today which was really nice, and meant the only real thing on my calendar for today was our television writing short course. This photo was taken just prior to that as Jon, Dom and I arrived typically early and were waiting and doing the newspaper crossword at the university cafe until it started. As I had taken minimal photos during the day I used that time to obtrusively stick my camera in Jon's face and snap away. He handled it like a star and I got this beautiful shot I'm quite happy with.

The short course was good, and we were reviewing and critiquing out work this week. I got some really great feedback on mine which I was pretty chuffed about, and then rewarded myself by eating too much pizza at an italian place on Lygon Street we've been going too after each class.


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