A change of routine

because "The Russians" have arrived.

I am fortunate to be involved in the project at school this year - I have been on the fringes before, but this time get to spend some time doing activities with our students and the russian students who have joined us for the week. 5 days of intensive preparations of costumes, dances and set design ready for a performance on Friday night.

It is always such a wonderful thing to be a part of - to see in development, to see the friendships developing and for the adults, to be able to spend time with people whose humour and joy at maintaining our relationships is so obviously shared. It makes it worthwhile despite the unrelenting pace. Especially when lessons still need to be planned - that was a bit of a killer this evening to have to prep the whole week, as I know that my next two evenings are completely booked up.

Now, a soak in the bath hoping that the pain will dissipate a little.

Keeping track of fluid intake and output is proving to be very very difficult!

(This was one of our students in our afternoon break, demonstrating how a number of tartan costume kilts could be combined to make a Scottish Christmas Tree - according to our project leader (and super duper top friend!), who is from Perth...so she should know, right?)

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