Early Morning Moon

Need to be at work earlier today to get some work done before the phones start (ohhh the pressure, but I'm not complaining...need the money) :)

So I was up at 6am, and as always glanced out the window to see what the weather was doing! Very frosty (after all the rain last night) AND THE MOON was fabulous, so blip sorted :):)

Grabbed the camera and tripod, turned the lights off and shot outside with Billy miaowing round me (poor boy, that's the second time this week he's been fed after I've got my blip) :)

The only thing I couldn't do, was to get the Scene setting off portrait..I couldn't remember, and really didn't have time to mess around...so it was back onto auto! Bit of a shaky looking shot, so I think I should have used the timer too...

Have decided to put this in for 'Lovers of Light' but not sure if its the sort of shot? Does anyone know?

The new neighbour opposite (scraping his car) must think I'm potty, outside in pjs with camera and tripod at 6am :)

Looking forward to a day off tomorrow after four days at work (how on earth did I cope when I was full time?) :)

Happy Tuesday folks :)

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