The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Shake a leg!

On the way back from my course in Stonehouse, my friend G needed to pop into to Tile Trader, which is situated on an industrial estate just off the main road. On parking the car, we were amazed to see a couple of beautiful chickens wandering around, and more inside a poultry house just beside the entrance. Inside the vast building, as well as many types of tiles, there were vintage enamelled advertising signs, a wooden Wills cigarette machine (6D a packet), an old juke box, and a poultry identification chart. It's not a trendy 'vintage' shop, I got the feeling that the retro stuff inside wasn't for sale, but was someone's collection, lovingly displayed.

I took better pictures of the cig machine, but at the end of the day I liked this fellow best.Dusk was falling, and the chicken would not keep still, so I could not get a crisp shot. Not being a chicken-fancier, I can't seem to work out what breed it is. The shaggy legs are pretty amazing, aren't they?

Compare with this. There are actually no similarities, or precious few

A busy day: work, followed by course and trip to Tile Trader; back home for an hour, then off to a special school in Tewkesbury for a talk about dyspraxia. Some of it I already knew, having long since reckoned that I have the condition myself, but other parts were new. The more that parents and teachers learn about dyspraxia, the greater the chance there is of positive outcomes for the dyspraxic children of today.

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