Blipper's Daily (?)

By blipper

River Walk

Well, that will teach me to complain about not being able to get out to take a Blip, after yesterdays little rant about spending a good proportion of my life in the car it broke down on me this morning. It must have been sulking about my blip!

So as a result I have to take the day off to get the car into the garage and get it fixed. Still there was a bright side as this meant that I had a chance for a evening walk down to the river with my 'middle' son taking photos. Now that the eldest son is off to Uni he got a chance to get his hands on my camera and spent the time shooting everything in sight. His first time with a DSLR so he's just learning....quite liked this shot he took though, the slow shutter speed and camera shake gives quite a surreal effect.

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