Tried to cheer up. Failed.

Took day off again. Couldn't be bothered to do any work.

So decided to work on the Golf, change the thermostat. After a lot of cussing I now have a working thermostat, a leak, and a conclusion that the thermostat was fine after all. Bugger.

Tried installing a new stereo. Tried. When the Golf was rebuilt I had 4 new decent speakers put in the vehicle during the rebuild. They've hardly been played.

What I don't understand is what happened to the stereo in the Golf. I remember playing musical stereos many years ago, but why the Golf ended up without a unit I don't know. There was a (rubbish) Sony unit in there.

So I bought a new stereo - $39 - whilst getting the thermostat. Interestingly it doesn't have a cd on it, purely a radio unit with lots of inputs for auxillary (usb, sd card and 3.5mm).

But do you think I could get it to work? Could I Fk. Permanent live is showing 1.2v??? And ignition live was showing 5v?? When I connected the stereo I'd get 12v on permanent live?? WTF is going on? Beats me.

So failed on that as well.

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