
By croftgirl10

A new start

Today they start at their new school (in a new country!). An awful lot of nervousness of everyone's part but I don't think I have ever seen the children more nervous. Hugs all round.

The bus was to pick them up at 7.40 but we saw a bus arrive at 7.15 to collect waiting children down at the bottom of the flats. There was much panic that this was the bus and that they would miss it so a last minute gathering of everything and we run down to get this bus. They leave. Ten minutes later another bus arrives and is looking for them. I explain and the bus leaves but 15 mins later than it should. So wrong bus but they would be early which would make them happy. Every school bus has a bus aunty on it with a register who is responsible for making sure the right children are on the right bus

The day went well and they say they will go back.......phew

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