
By LadyFindhorn

Raewald's Helmet

Yesterday's rain disappeared today, and we took the opportunity to cycle to Sutton Hoo to see the of burial mounds there . The principle one was the resting place of an Anglo Saxon King with his long boat. It was probably Raewald who lived in the 7th Century AD. This photo is of an enlarged model of his helmet which hangs over the door to the exhibition. Some of the jewellery they found was amazingly intricate.
Then it was onwards for lunch with our London cycling friends( holidays seem a never ending succession of meals, the results of which will be addressed on our return home!) to Ramsholt Quay overlooking the Deben Estuary. It was lovely to sit in the sun and chat while watching all the boats. Our friends are considerably younger than us and were amused that all the people who appeared for lunch were pensioners.....! I think our generation are extremely lucky to have the health and money to enjoy our retirement. I feel very sorry for our children's generation, who may well have to work for a lot longer than us.
We are finding the roads down here near Woodbridge so much busier than the ones we cycled on in France. We need to get back in touch with Britain's car population.

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