
By Elysium

Purposeful Vigilance

This little male Costa's Hummingbird has his territory staked out in my yard. From his perch over my nectar filled flowering plants he can see other males trying to encroach on his "possessions". Right now he is puffed up to make himself look larger and more intimidating. His mate is in another tree top serving as his backup in case more than one interloper appears. The male defends against other males, not bothering about female hummers as they don't seem to want to take over his dominion. Only the males have those iridescent head feathers so he can spot them at a good distance. His whole head is covered with those colorful feathers, even his "whiskers", they only shine when struck by the sunlight at the proper angle. When I water my yard with a hose and spray nozzle the water droplets shine with rainbow jewel like colors and these Hummers will come and investigate the colorful droplets, making sure that they are not other iridescently adorned males. Thanks for looking in, hope you enjoyed seeing my friend.

A Closer Look At My Little Buddy

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