Denzil's occasional Blips

By denzilblount

Finger picking good y'all

I am actually rather pleased with how this evening's Blip turned out, y'all.

I played my guitar for the first time in yonks this evening. I asked my youngest if he liked it and he said 'not really'. You can't win them all though!

Anyway, I decided that to celebrate my return to acoustic caterwauling, I would post a Blip of the guitar that my dad bought me especially to take to University all those years ago.

This is taken with a long exposure in the front room with all of the lights off and a generous drop of light painting. The original image was ok, but I am quite proud of the way it looks after some drastic digital dark room treatment using Lightroom. This includes, but is not limited to - cropping, rotating, red filter black and white effect added, post-crop vignetting added, sharpened, colour hue added to light and shadow, grain added....

I'm not a purist is all that I can say!

The title to today's Blip is a tribute to the Beastie Boys since I also listened to the them for the first time in ages and ages.

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