
By middaypyjamas

These Little Piggies…

This adorable little one goes by the name of Annabelle and is Holly's niece (and a little bit mine). Today we celebrated christmas (and one final little burst of my birthday!) with Holly's family as we will be in Buenos Aires for christmas! I spent a lot of the night photographing this beauty while simultaneously playing with her. She was in a terrific mood and was giving me a number of smiles and even a few laughs. It was a very enjoyable dinner, made even more so by the receiving of a number of lovely gifts including a kindle! Needless to say I'll be reading that right across South America. I took way to many photos of Annabelle (somewhere between 2 to 3 hundred) but will cull them down and tinker with them a bit before gifting them back to Kerry and Andrew (her parents). So Kerry if you're reading this, be ready for that!

The other big thing that happened to me today was my interview with the VCA. It went well! I think. You're never really sure with these things, especially as I've not really had a panel interview to get into a masters course before. However I feel good about it and I think it was pretty positive, they liked the story ideas I had (already offering some suggestions on how to use it and improve it) and hopefully I proved to them my focus and determination. Either way I didn't leave feeling like it was the worst disaster known to man, or that I had made a complete tool of myself, so I'll take it!


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