Today's Special

By Connections

Duck Delight

I needed a break from massaging kale and making maple-glazed walnuts for our Thanksgiving dinner with friends later today, so after lunch I headed for Lake Padden with my camera.

The weather was beautiful, as were the reflections, but what I most enjoyed was watching a pair of Mallards preening. The female did a slow, thorough job with her bill, but the drake put on a show, diving into the water and then making a triumphant return to the surface, with much beating of wings and splashing of water, before settling in for some feather grooming.

Time to put the local carrots on and mix the ginger jam and fresh lemon juice to go over them, then pack the car and head out for our Thanksgiving dinner! Among the many things I'm grateful for today -- and every day -- is this special place where we can share our daily lives and develop friendships in other parts of the world. My thanks who all who stop by here today!

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