
By Croft16



Taken at 4:15 pm. No enhancement, just as it was. The light is the emergency light in the Fire Station.

The electric was off this morning when I got up, so I lit the wood burning stove. Our electric Everhot cooker is on permanently, but goes into Eco mode overnight. It could only heat the kettle to 160 deg F (I put a thermometer in to measure it!!). Once the woodburning stove had heated up, it didn't take long to bring the kettle to the boil. Next was my toast for breakfast. Two slices straight on the top of the woodburner, five minutes each side and was done.. Then at 11, the electric came back on..

A quick e-mail to the Scourie newsletter, with reports on the progress of the web pages, a weather report for November, and an advert for the calendar..

Down the croft then to harvest some veges for the Xmas fair in the village hall tomorrow, and back home to wash and sort them..

The power went off again just after three, for essential repair work that caused the initial loss of supply. Back on at ten to five..

Egg run tonight, a few beers, and an early (!) night, doubtfull as Tom Morton is interviewing Dave Edmunds..

It has been pretty wild today, occasional hail and rain showers, but strong North Westerly winds. The sea was boiling again..

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