Journey Through Time

By Sue

Varied Thrush

Yesterday was a nice day and I didn't really talk about it much. First, the weather was just fantastic. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. For late November in our area, this is a rare treat. But with the holiday business going on for Thanksgiving, I wasn't able to take advantage of the fine weather...hence the weird blip of yesterday. My aunt was home sick with her lingering cold and our son went to Thailand..(he returns tomorrow morning), so it was odd not to have my people at the dinner. Despite that, we had a good visit with Bill's brother's family with two nice phone calls from his son in Okinawa and the other son in New Orleans. That was a nice treat to talk to them.

Today we are taking it Black Friday shopping for us. Perish the thought. We don't do a lot of Christmas shopping anyway, so I don't need to get out into that mess. The sky has been grey all day, but no rain yet. It is on it's way and maybe even a snowflake or two early in the week, then freezing weather makes a come back.

For those that celebrate I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.

Of course, now I am dreadfully behind again in your journals. 'Tis the season, I guess, for other things besides Blip.

See ya later

PS Tons of birds today on a feeding frenzy. All the winter ground feeders were out and this Varied Thrush.

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