Running up that hill

Well not really running more walking but it felt like the scene from a music video.

Today was one of those days when I was feeling a bit paffffffff (inexcusable) so I've decided to try and focus on silver linings.

I had two real highlights today. One was an ex-colleague talking to me on the phone and giving me some great advice about my studies. A second highlight was a quick walk in crunchy autumn leaves, walking up a grassy slope and seeing the glorious sunshine peeping out at the top. I was in a forest which was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I think it is part of the Bathurst estate but it looks like you can wander around during certain times of day which is rather lovely- grateful for that. I'm now watching 'Pointless' and shouting "Chorlton and the Wheelies" at the screen ;-)

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