Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Hide and Seek!!

This morning happened just as wee Peugeot went for a full body massage much needed service and then I took GK for a decadent Big Mac breakfast! Actually it was to try their new Halloumi offer which was surprisingly healthy!!

A quick flit through the back streets of collect some champagne flutes from on 'on-line' purchase before merging with the noonday traffic back to Dubai!!

That's when we espied the all elusive sign....and the day took a very different turn! 'Confiscated Cars Compound'!!!

There's a long story attached to this picture....but suffice enough to say.....we have at long last located Sherry's dads' car and with just another 'office visit formality' she can at last move on and finish the paperwork necessary to remove it from her responsibility. The formalities here need to be experienced to believe the utterly unbelievable.

This entire compound area had upward of 25,000 cars in it and anything else the municipality had 'confiscated' from around the city. There were motorbikes, push bikes, jet skis, motor boats, shopping trolleys, wheelbarrows, limousines, cement trucks and golf carts among other things of equal notoriety!!! It was a fascinating eyeopener!

....but...we now have the all important piece of paper and the registration card so on Tuesday while GK is at work....I have a mission to complete for her!!

Its been a good day....a very good day!

Happy Blipping Everyone

The car we were looking for is the dark blue volkswagon Passat and its was de-number plated ready for auction on December 15th as unclaimed!!

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