Life's tangled skein

By atp

A Nice Morning For A Run

Some days go according to plan, some less so.

This morning I dropped my daughter Jenni off at skating, and went for a run. My plan was to do a six miler, get back to the sports centre and enjoy a shower and a coffee before driving home.

But I hadn't planned my route properly, and ended up running just over nine miles. Not only that, though. The weather was so beautiful I kept stopping to take photos like this on my phone.

This one is taken from Cambuskenneth, looking north to the Wallace monument perched atop Abbey Craig, and behind that the Ochil Hills.

In fact, my route did take me past the base of the Wallace Monument - and believe me, running up Abbey Craig at 0900 on a Sunday is an effective way to wake up!

(Technical Note: picture taken on Samsung Galaxy S2, using "HDR Camera" app, but then re-processed in Photoshop)

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