
By Roseannasnp


I sort of creep up on Christmas decorations. First Sunday in Advent (yesterday*) out come the Advent candles, closely followed by the Nativity scene and I change the kitchen tablecloth. Usually, that's pretty much it for the first week or so, then maybe I'll put up a few things in the kitchen. Tree comes in around the 12th ish - whatever date that middle of the month falls on. After that, everything else comes out.

And, before anyone asks - no, there's no crib. It's Advent. Crib doesn't go in until we actually get to Christmas.

Also, if you look closely in the upper left hand section of the stable, you'll see a small black cat. I know there's no cat mentioned in the Bible, but hey, you'll never persuade me there wasn't a cat there too!!

* you may alll be going: 'why does she have to make the point that yesterday was the start of Advent? We all know that?' Well, on Twitter yesterday, there was someone claiming never to have heard of Advent before coming to Scotland. From Canada. So thought I'd better actually explain!!

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