The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Smelly Delights

Woodpeckers: "I bought some LED lights"

CleanSteve"Oh, that's nice"

Woodpeckers: "Wait! I'm going to switch them on!"

CleanSteve: "I'm watching a video. Anyway, how do you switch them on?"

Woodpeckers "Well, you plug them in, and then there's a switch that you press..."

CleanSteve "What on earth are you talking about?"

Woodpeckers (holding up a string of lights): "LED lights"

CleanSteve "OH! Some LED lights! I thought you said smelly delights"

Woodpeckers: "Yeah, right!"

I didn't feel too good this afternoon, despite switching on the lights, so I went to bed for a while, then got up to make snowflakes for a workshop for preschoolers and their carers/parents.

Then I thought I'd better get a blip, so I played with the lights and my aromatherapy products, in case I could get some LED lights and smelly delights into one blip. But I couldn't, and I have ended up with this mantelpiece macro of a birthday card which I have rendered in extreme B and W, as it was too pink and purple with the LEDs.

The little boulder at the front is a piece of pumice stone. As to why it's on the sitting room mantelpiece, that particular answer will wait for another day.

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