A bridge too far?

Seeing as everyone has been showing off their skills in bendiness over the last few days, I thought I would join in whilst trying to stretch my back out (this is my quick fix when my upper back gets a bit knotty and crunchy!) - the better trick was balancing on one arm and 2 legs whilst I pointed the remote release at the camera - not bad for a 36 year old!

My bum isn't that big - its my jeans - they are loose. Honest!

Another busy day - but apart from a few pieces of coursework left to mark, I have done absolutely everything on my list for work so I am starting the week with a clean slate. Never been heard of before!

Trip into town with James and Jack today - that was a bit fraught - how do people cope with more than one child?!?! Traded in 22 old PS2 and XBox games - got £110 for them - so James can now use that when he wants something new. Nice coffee from Starbucks (although it cost a fortune because the boys both had to have a treat too!)

Have been super-moody though- could have had a row with the vacuum cleaner today - everything was getting me wound up - I think my impending hospital visit is starting to play on my mind - Wednesday this week, am really getting panicky, because I don't know what's coming my way...

Edit: Just noticed that a year ago was the during a weekend with James at my brother's house - when we met up with Bisk and had a lovely day in the park. Good times.

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