Supply Boat

Not much traffic going in our out of the harbour when I went to have a look this afternoon. As the sea was quite rough I was not too surprised. Probably I was quite early in the afternoon, most activity seems to be in the late afternoon. The Frigg Viking was leaving harbour in the early afternoon, and I imagine a ship of this size would certainly feel the sea as it was today. Still stand by boats and supply boats sail in pretty much all weathers.

I head heard on the radio there is a very high tide today, and the water in the harbour was as high as I had ever seen it. The weather has been windy wet and very very cold. I got caught in a hailstorm this morning and got a good soaking. There have been patches of sunshine from time to time interspersed with rain, hail and snow. The temperature was around 2 degrees but felt colder with the wind.

It was a day for staying in the warmth, and I had intended an indoor Blip, but I braved the elements for a few minutes as this ship went past.

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