Awe and Wonder

Open day - lots of visitors - Open evening - even more visitors.

our school ROCKS - fantastic atmosphere this evening.

Prefects did us PROUD. Staff worked so hard, after a full day at the chalkface as well. Headteacher's 'address' was full to bursting - and he is great to listen to (not sucking up at all - he genuinely is - I'm hoping he doesn't read this because I wouldn't want to compliment him !!!!) Students who acted as helpers were fantastic. Left school at 9pm absolutely buzzing and busting with pride that I work at our school.

The Science Guy - Professor Brainstorm was in this afternoon and this evening - this arvo for our Year 7's and year 5 students from our local primary schools - so I sat in and took photos in between being really taken in by the science and the daft experiments he was doing - so cool - particularly when he froze a banana with liquid nitrogen then proceeded to use it to hammer a nail into a piece of wood!!! Lots of bangs and pops as things exploded. A looks of genuine awe and wonder from the kids - lots of enthusiasm (I need a volunteer - 150 hands shoot into the air - pick me pick me!).

Great day.

Bath time. wait for some of the photos to print (nearly 400 - have just had a quick root and edit!)

D-Day tomorrow - send happy thoughts to me around 1.30pm our time.

Thanks for kind wishes from people received via text and email today - much appreciated.

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